Thursday, August 11, 2011

moving on... again

Packers are here for my move to texas. What's crazy is I HATE moving. Hate. Despise. Abhor. you get it. Yet, I am the one who moves. when I was married we moved something like 13 times. when we split I thought, "ok, now I can pick a place and stick." Yea... not so much. G and I are on our way to Houston. Texas. of all places! Who would have thunk it? I'm equal parts scared and excited. Anxious and calm. It will all come together. It has too. like all things I needlessly stress and worry about it all falls into place as it is somehow supposed to.

Now for a cute pic of my baby.

I am trying to remember to laugh with abandon right now. It will help. It always does.

Friday, June 3, 2011

all I hold dear

ok. once again I am pledging to try to divulge my deepest darkest secrets. I fail at it quite a bit. but all I can do is try.

Human Resources is my profession and let me tell you, there is nothing more entertaining or frustrating than humans! Recently though, I have had 2 of my employees lose their beloved spouses. and I am not talking about the kind that have been married forever and can no longer stand each other. I am talking about the kind that have been married forever and still love each other madly. It's been so heartbreaking. Having never gone through this myself in any capacity- I've only ever lost my grandparents and I was not super close to them and I was young enough that it was sad, but I don't recall grieving. I mean, I think these were the 2nd and 3rd funerals I've ever been to!I held the death certificates in my hands! And my heart is broken. You know I often joke that many of the HR folks I have run into don't really care for humans much, but I do. and this reminds me that while I love working, and I must pay the bills, my time with G is so much more precious than I give it credit for. I vow to slow down and be more in the present with her when she gets back from her dad's.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

change is changing me

I can't believe it's been a year since I last posted something. I have made many changes in my life since then, and my life has made many changes in me since then.

For one, It is really just me and G against the world now. We are in another state and figuring out how to make it work with just us. I have shed many many tears this year, but it continues to get better.

I am looking forward to changing the direction of my life some more. I have been finding inpiration in many places and I have been giving a lot of thought to the direction I want to take in my life. Stay tuned...

In the meantime, G and I have been purging our craft space. I am also looking to change directions with what's in there. I want to get back to sewing, I miss it. I also want to pare way down on the amount of scrapbbok stuff I have. I am about to list 103 stamp sets on craigslist and ebay. It's a start. A really good start. Or re-start. As the case may be.

Maybe that is my new theme...Re-start. hmmmm. Sounds appropriate, don't you think?

Monday, July 13, 2009

mountain moving

Ok, so I am 35 years old and I know I shouldn't totally love a song by a girl who my 5 year old loves, but I am not going to lie. I love the Miley
Cyrus song "The Climb." It just seems to capture this spot in my life.

"...There's a voice inside my head sayin'
you'll never reach it, every step I'm taking
every move I make feels
lost with no direction
my faith is shaking but I
got to keep trying
got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always gonna want to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

It's the Climb"

I have always felt like I wanted to make mountains move, but I have always been so scared to try. This year has been all about trying. Scary, authentic, exhausting, liberating, strength required mountain moving.

I am so thankful for those people I love who love me in return without any reservation. Those incredibly insightful, authentic friends who get me through. Who call me when I need them most even if I didn't realize how
much I needed them. Like this one:

And this one:

And these two:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First post!

I have been thinking about this spot for awhile now and after much consideration and brainstorming with Michelle, here I am. This is very rough for now, I will be spending more time souping up this space in the very near future.

What will I be talking about here? I don't know. The crazy stuff that happens to me. My struggles, my family, things I love and most likely some pet peeves. So- Keep checking on me here.